Friday, July 4, 2014

A Status Bar Icon Ive Never Seen Before

Today I was working along, diligently as ever when I glanced at my status bar.  I glanced because a balloon notification popped up informing me that a coworker had updated a file I had referenced. While glancing I saw an icon in the status bar that I didnt recognize.

Here it is circled in red:

Turns out its a notification that there are viewport layer overrides! I use viewport layer overrides all of the time so why havent I seen this before? I dont know why but I bet that now that I am aware if its existance I will see it all if the time.

To test it out, activate a viewport. If the icon pops up there are overrides.  If not, then chances are you havent messed with anything yet. 

Click the icon and the layer manager will open up set to a Viewport Overrides filter. Nice!

I love AutoCAD.

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